Ponuda za praksu 2 – HITNO!
Uslov je da se studenti DEPT prijave su sledeći:
1. III, IV i V godina, mogu apsolventi i studenti doktroskih studija
2. prosek iznad 7.5
3. Poznavanje engleskog jezika
Period praks je od 01.08.2018. do 31.12.2018., u tom periodu studenti biraju 8 nedelja.
Kandidat je potreban što pre, maksimalno do srede 21.03 (da znamo da li neko hoće na ovu praksu ili ne).
Za sva ostala pitanja, kontaktirajete Igora Mujana.
Opis delatnosti firme:
Conveyor Technology Co., Ltd. CONTEC engage in a various engineering field following,
- Design, consult and supervise new plant construction
- Erection and installation of Gas-Turbine, Generator,Steam Turbine and Steam Generator
- Overhaul, modification and maintenance both light and heavy machine
- Design, fabricate and install piping and flushing system
- Provide an information to service all customer’s needs in engineering including training if required
- Design, consult, fabricate and install for weighing dosing and control system by represent a product from Germany named ‘’PFISTER’’
- Represent as a sole agent with:
- Carousel, a mechanical and computerize storage system from Germany named ‘’Megamat’’
- Rokonma a roller product
- ‘’Skiled’’ a chain bucket conveyor
- Provide component parts following:
- Belt conveyor
- Bucket elevator
- Apron conveyor
- Pneumatic conveyor
- Dust collector
- Rotary valve
- Magnetic separator
- Chain conveyor
- Screw conveyor
Detaljniji opis se nalazi u dokumentu ispod: