Poziv na predavanje gostujućih predavača sa Univerziteta Purdue, SAD

Poziv na predavanje gostujućih predavača sa Univerziteta Purdue, SAD

U sredu, 2. oktobra 2024. godine gosti našeg Univerziteta u Novom Sadu biće profesori sa Purdue Univerziteta, SAD, Prof.dr Jason Harris i Prof.dr Maria Okuniewski. Profesori su aktivno uključeni u program nuklearne sigurnosti i bezbednosti, nuklearne energetike i inženjerstva na Purdue Univerzitetu.

Zadovoljstvo nam je da vas pozovemo da prisustvujete predavanjima koje će profesori održati u Svečanoj Sali Fakulteta tehničkih nauka, 2. oktobra 2024. godine s početkom u 12 časova. Teme predavanja su:

1. “An Introduction to Nuclear and Radiological Science and Engineering
at Purdue University”, Prof.dr Jason Harris

2. “Approaching Risk Analysis through the Integration of Nuclear Safety
and Security”, Prof.dr Jason Harris

The safety and security of nuclear and radiological materials and their associated facilities share a common objective which is to ensure the protection of the population and
the environment from an undue radiological hazard. Historically, many analytical methods have been developed and implemented to support safety- based risk assessment and decision analysis. Adapting and extending risk assessment to nuclear security applications has been limited because of the adaptive nature of adversaries and the lack of historical data of malicious attacks. Given the rising threat of nuclear and radiological terrorism, it is imperative to assess if facilities, such as reactors, universities and medical centers, have the means to fully understand and evaluate the risk of their radioactive sources. In this context, risk assessment is a function of threat, vulnerability and consequences. This presentation will give an overview of nuclear safety and security risk assessment activities in the Harris research group. Dr. Harris will discuss the Potential Facility Risk Index (PFRI), nuclear security culture assessment, and the development of human reliability performance methods and tools in nuclear safety and security integration.

3. “Applications of Advanced Characterization Techniques Enabling 3D and 4D Microstructural Perspectives of Irradiated Fuels and StructuralMaterials”, Prof.dr Maria Okuniewski

One challenge for the development and deployment of advanced and small modular reactors is understanding the complex radiation-induced effects on the microstructures of structural materials and fuels. Since the microstructure dictates the properties of materials, such as mechanical and thermal, it is imperative to understand the influence of radiation on the microstructure. Three- and four-dimensional (3- and 4-D) characterization of nuclear fuels and materials enables unprecedented insight, including microstructural inhomogeneities and irradiation-induced mechanisms, that typical 2-D characterization is unable to provide. With the advent of newly nuclearized specimen preparation and characterization capabilities, multi-dimensional understanding is now possible. This talk will highlight both non-destructive and destructive techniques that provide microstructural and mechanical evolution details as applied to irradiated fuels and structural materials.

Kratke biografije profesora:

Dr. Jason T. Harris is Professor of Radiological Health Sciences in the School of Health Sciences and Director of the Center for Radiological and Nuclear Security (CRANS) at Purdue University. He also currently serves as the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Online Education in the College of Health and Human Sciences. He received his BS in Marine Science and Biology from the University of Tampa, his MS in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and his PhD in Health Physics from Purdue University. Prior to his current position he was Associate Professor and Co-Chair of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Health Physics at Idaho State University and Associate Director of the Center for Advanced Energy
Studies. His research interests are in several areas related to environmental and reactor health physics, radiation detection and measurement, and nuclear security. He has graduated more than 25 MS and PhD students and has served on research committees for nearly 70 MS and PhD students in health physics, nuclear engineering, and physics. He has authored or co-authored over 75 peer-reviewed papers or proceedings, delivered over 100 conference presentations, and has secured nearly $10 million dollars in competitive external grants and contracts from federal funding agencies, international organizations, and private foundations. He has received several awards including the Health Physics Society Fellow designation and Elda Anderson Award, Fulbright Specialist, and the Purdue University School of Health Sciences Outstanding Young Alumni Award. Dr. Harris is active in the Health Physics Society, American Nuclear Society, the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Dr. Maria A. Okuniewski is an associate professor in the School of Materials Engineering at Purdue University in the United States (U.S.), where she also holds a courtesy appointment with the School of Nuclear Engineering. She received her B.S. in Marine Science/Biology from the University of Tampa and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Previous to joining Purdue in 2016, she spent approximately eight years at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in the U.S. as a research and development scientist and engineer. She has conducted research on transmutation fuels, high-performance research and test reactor fuels, structural materials, and waste storage materials for over twenty years. Dr. Okuniewski’s research focuses on the nexus of microstructural evolution, processing, mechanical properties, and irradiation performance to improve upon next generation fuels and materials, including minimizing proliferation. She has also been instrumental in developing new techniques and expanding the capabilities of existing techniques to apply to nuclear fuels and materials such as positron annihilation spectroscopy, nanoindentation, synchrotron X-ray diffraction and tomography, neutron diffraction, and focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy applications. She has graduated 8 MS and PhD students. She has authored or co-authored 77 peer-reviewed journal articles or proceedings and over 100 conference presentation abstracts and has secured over $7 million dollars in competitive external grants and contracts. Her work has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy, receiving numerous awards, including the Fuel Cycle Research and Development Excellence Award, the American Nuclear Society Mary Jane Oestmann Professional Women’s Award, and the ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award. Dr. Okuniewski is active in the American Nuclear Society and The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society. She currently serves as the Chair of the Nuclear Science User Facilities and the Technical Chair of the Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES) conference.